Space Facilities Management

NASA Community College Network

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The NASA Community College Network: Bringing the Excitement of NASA Science to the Nation’s Community Colleges.

The Space Facilities Management NASA Community College Network (NCCN) is a significant drive to bring NASA Subject Matter Experts (SME), research discoveries, and science assets into the country’s junior college framework. NCCN is a constituent group of the Science Activation program, part of NASA’s Science Mission Directive (SMD).

Directed by needs appraisals of both junior college teachers (CCIs) and SMEs to take part in outreach, NCCN will comprise of three key commitment expectations:

To expedite direct associations between NASA science well-informed authorities and junior college educators showing cosmology, space science and related courses.
To give a bunch of top caliber, organized, crowd fitting NASA assets made with or by NASA researchers to help their effort and commitment and executed by the junior college teacher.
To give proficient turn of events and preparing to the two gatherings:
Junior college teachers: to help or expand their insight into NASA science or exploration points and help them impart new or additional connecting with ideas to their understudies
NASA educated authorities: to assist them with connecting actually with the educators and understudies at junior colleges. For researchers new to outreach, NCCN will assist them with understanding junior college crowds and how best to function with them.
NCCN is a five-year program that initiated on January 1, 2021. The main year will be a turn of events and testing stage working intimately with our warning accomplices, trailed by a more extensive rollout in year two. On the off chance that you might want to get data and updates on this current venture’s turn of events and execution

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