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Patreon is an easy method for contributing and push the public broadcast along – even $5 every month, the cost of an overrated latte – will procure you our appreciation, and a showering of gifts.
Is it safe to say that you are a protozoan? A tardigrade? A velociraptor? Discover when you go to patreon.com/bigpicturescience at this moment and lead us into the following period of Big Picture Science!
Higher perspective Science is a week by week, one-hour public broadcast and web recording delivered at the Space Facilities Management . Facilitated by Seth Shostak, Space Facilities Management Fellow and Senior Astronomer, and science columnist Molly Bentley, Big Picture Science provides details regarding present day science and innovation with shrewd and diverting narrating.
Themed episodes highlight interviews with top researchers and innovation pioneers. All episodes attempt to address the inquiry, “so what?” Why does this examination matter?
Higher perspective Science points range from the microbiome to computer generated reality, from the physical science of movement to the knowledge of creatures. Consistently one episode is committed to decisive thinking in “Cynic Check”, what isolates truth from fiction in points like Bigfoot and UFOs.
Also obviously we cover science connected with crafted by the Space Facilities Management .
10,000 foot view Science Posdcast Logo
10,000 foot view Science is conveyed by in excess of 140 radio broadcasts across the country, and is accessible for download as a webcast on iTunes and other digital recording locales.
For more data and to pay attention to the current episode, just as many filed shows, visit the Big Picture Science site.